Questions Your Parents Need to Answer Before You Hire Home Care Aides

As your parents age, they face changes that no one may see coming. Your dad was always full of energy and could do almost anything. He has a more challenging time with mobility since he broke his hip.

Your mom kept track of everything. You’ve noticed she’s paid some bills late. Plus, she isn’t keeping up with housework and laundry like she used to. You realize it’s time to address the need for home care services. Before you do, ask your parents these questions.

What Are Their Wishes in Terms of Emergency Care?

Home Care Highland Park, IL: Hiring Home Care

If something happens, do your parents have advance directives in place? Do they have powers of attorney filed so that you or another family member or friend can make medical decisions for them?

You learn they don’t have powers of attorney permissions for financial or medical matters. It’s an excellent time to sit down and go over the importance of POAs. Arrange for them to see an attorney to get those permissions in place. Their doctor can help with advance directives if they don’t have one.

You also need to know what they’d want. Do your parents have DNRs in place? Are they for or against life-sustaining measures like feeding tubes and ventilators? Do they have religious or personal objections to things like stem cell treatments or experimental treatments?

Where Would They Want to Live If They Can’t Live in Their Home?

If something happened that made it impossible for them to live the rest of their lives in their home, where would they want to live? Would they want to downsize to a smaller, one-level home nearer to services? Would they rather move in with another family member?

Do They Have Any Chronic Health Conditions?

When your parents last saw their doctor, did their doctor diagnose any chronic health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or arthritis? Are they taking prescription medications or following a specific diet plan?

Do They Have Medical and Dental Insurance?

Your parents may have Medicare policies, but do you know for sure? Ask if they have insurance and look over what it covers. Make sure they have the coverage they need. If not, help them shop around for a better plan that covers their health issues and medications.

You have the answers to these questions. Now is the time to call a home care agency and ask to speak to a specialist. Go over your parents’ needs, likes, and dislikes. Get answers to their questions like pricing and what happens if they have personality conflicts with their caregivers.

The final step is to arrange services. Start small if needed and increase the number of hours as your parents become comfortable with their new home care aides.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Highland Park, IL, contact the caring staff at Companion Services of America today at (847) 943-3786. Our home care service area includes Northbrook, Highland Park, Deerfield, Glenview, Buffalo Grove, Evanston, Des Plaines, Skokie, Lake Forest, Wilmette and the surrounding areas.

Jamie Shapiro
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