Home Care – Understanding How Music Enhances Seniors’ Mood, Health, and Sleep

Home Care

Music can stir emotions, bring people together, and help them remember fond memories. For seniors, it may do even more. Research and anecdotal proof show that music can significantly impact how older people feel, how healthy they are overall, and how well they sleep. Keep reading to learn about the exciting ways that music can…

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Senior Home Care – Benefits of Audiobooks For Seniors

senior home care

Audiobooks are an excellent way for people of all ages to learn and grow, but they are especially helpful for adults with vision issues. With the help of loved ones and senior home care aides, seniors can enjoy the benefits with ease. What Do Seniors Gain From Access to Audiobooks? Accessibility: Older people who have…

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Personal Care At Home – Four Steps to Healing Cracked Heels

Personal Care At Home

We often think of dry skin and especially dry feet as something that happens over the winter with all of the forced hot air into homes that causes the air to dry out and thus the skin to dry out. But often elderly individuals battle dry skin all year round and if your loved one…

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Companion Care at Home Encourages Seniors to be Active

Companion Care at Home

Chronic health conditions are common as you get older, but exercise can help decrease the risk of many of them. Exercise keeps the heart healthy, strengthens joints and muscles, and helps you maintain a healthy weight. Have you considered the best ways to ensure your mom stays active? Daily exercise is the best way to…

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Home Care Assistance and Senior Travel Clubs

Home Care Assistance

Travel clubs are a great way for seniors that want to travel to do so with other seniors. They’re also a fun way for seniors to make friends and socialize while enjoying seeing new places. But, whenever seniors travel they need to make sure that they are aware of their unique challenges and plan accordingly.…

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