How Skilled Nursing Helps with Diabetes Care

Diabetes Care: Skilled Nursing Wilmette IL

Diabetes Care: Skilled Nursing Wilmette IL

37 million Americans have diabetes and more than 8 million aren’t yet aware that they do. More than 26 million older adults have prediabetes, which means they have a higher risk of becoming diabetic. Your mom has just learned she has diabetes. What happens now and can skilled nursing help?

She Needs to Learn What to Eat

Your mom’s diet needs to change. This means foods that are low in added sugar and have little saturated fat. Cutting sodium is also beneficial if she’s used to adding a lot of salt or eating salty snacks.

Skilled nursing can come in and teach her and the rest of her family caregivers how to choose the best foods for diabetics, cook suitable meals, and create weekly meal plans. Your family will learn shopping tips and go through your mom’s kitchen to remove the unhealthy items that should definitely not be in stock.

Your mom will benefit from learning how to fill her pantry and cupboards with high-fiber foods that leave her feeling full for longer and eliminate the between-meal cravings she has.

She can learn how to make healthier sweet treats like brownies using ground almonds and dates instead of sugar and all-purpose flour. She’s going to learn how to plan her meals so that she’s eating to support stable blood sugar levels and avoid spikes.

She Needs to Learn How to Check Her Sugar Levels

Your mom has to learn how to check her sugar levels and when she needs to do that. If her sugar levels are too high, she needs to know what steps to take. If they’re too low, she has to learn how to raise them safely.

She Has to Exercise

Your mom needs to get enough exercise, and this can be hard for her. She might need to work with a physical therapist to learn appropriate exercises that don’t strain the joints while she’s losing excess weight.

As her strength and stamina improve, your mom will learn other exercises and activities that help her stay motivated and encouraged to keep going. Once she’s lost weight, she needs to keep it off, and that can be the most challenging part.

She Can’t Ignore Foot Care

Finally, foot care is essential. Your mom has to take care of her feet. Her body may not fight off infection as easily as it used to. Plus, diabetes can lead to nerve damage that makes it hard for her to feel that she has a sore on the bottom of her foot.

She has to get in the habit of checking her feet, applying a moisturizer, and keeping her nails trimmed properly. She has to take care of any cracks, blisters, or sores to prevent infection.

Skilled nursing is essential in helping your family navigate your mom’s changing care needs. Arrange skilled nursing care to learn more about the importance of foot care, how she checks and adjusts her sugar levels, and what she should be eating. With skilled nursing care, your mom will be in the best hands to ensure she does everything she needs to do to stay healthy.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Skilled Nursing in Wilmette, IL, contact the caring staff at Companion Services of America today at (847) 943-3786. Our home care service area includes Northbrook, Highland Park, Deerfield, Glenview, Buffalo Grove, Evanston, Des Plaines, Skokie, Lake Forest, Wilmette and the surrounding areas.


Jamie Shapiro
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