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How Can Companion Care Help My Mom?

Ensuring seniors are not alone and maintain a high quality of life is a key benefit of companion care at home.
Companion Care at Home: Senior Quality of Life in Evanston, IL
Companion Care at Home: Senior Quality of Life in Evanston, IL

If your mom is living in the family home but she’s alone and lonely companion care at home can provide the emotional connection and support she needs. Often seniors who have a hard time getting out become isolated and lonely at home, and that can impact their physical and mental health.

Companion care at home gives seniors like your mom the chance to spend time talking, laughing, and doing activities with someone they trust and enjoy spending time without having the stress of trying to get out to social events or clubs.

And because companion care visits are scheduled you won’t have to worry about your mom being left alone. You will know that your mom is getting the companionship and connection she needs even when you can’t be there.


What Does A Companion Do?

When your mom has a companion that companion can do lots of things around the house, including general activities with your mom that are fun and social like:

  • Putting up holiday decorations
  • Knitting or crocheting
  • Making quilts
  • Painting
  • Watching movies
  • Making tea and snacks
  • Talking
  • Looking through old photos
  • Sharing meals
  • Doing puzzles or playing games
  • Sitting outside to get some sun and fresh air
  • Going to the salon
  • Going for a drive
  • Running errands

A companion also can make sure that your mom is safe and doesn’t fall during the day. They can do light housekeeping like dusting or putting away dishes after meals. But primarily a companion is there to be a friend and keep your mom socially engaged.


Better Quality Of Life

The biggest benefit of companion care at home is a better qualify of life for your mom. Your mom is used to being around people, and she’s living in a home that’s full of memories of the people she loves. Making sure that she’s not alone with her memories all the time is the best way to boost her physical and mental health.

It can be hard for family members to find the time to stop by on a regular basis, especially for a long visit. Working long hours, taking care of your own kids, trying to balance the needs of your family with the needs of your mom can all be very challenging. Sometimes the days just get away from you and you can’t get to see your mom even though you want to.

With companion care at home you can be sure that your mom isn’t alone at home if you can’t get there. She can be trying new hobbies, getting her hair done, making scrapbooks of old family photos, starting a new art projects, or playing games with a companion. A better quality of life for her means less worry and stress for you.

Call today to find out more about companion care in your area and how it can help your mom be happy and healthy at home now, and as she gets older.

Sources: Source 1 | Source 2


If you or an aging loved one are considering Companion Care at Home in Evanston, IL, contact the caring staff at Companion Services of America today at (847) 943-3786. Our home care service area includes Northbrook, Highland Park, Deerfield, Glenview, Buffalo Grove, Evanston, Des Plaines, Skokie, Lake Forest, Wilmette and the surrounding areas.

Jamie Shapiro

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