Home Care Tips: Walking the Dog with Your Seniors Safely

Home Care in Skokie IL

Integrating a dog into your home care journey with your aging loved ones is a fantastic way to boost their mental and emotional health, and encourage better physical health. Seniors who interact with animals regularly enjoy a variety of benefits, including lower blood pressure, less stress, eased depression and anxiety, lower instance of loneliness and isolation, and a greater feeling of importance and involvement.

Along with taking care of a dog, however, comes the need to bring that dog on walks. This is a wonderful opportunity for your parents to get physically active and enjoy some time out of the home, but, as with anything in your home care journey, it is important to make sure that you are being safe and healthy when you head out with your parents’ furry friend.

Use these tips, and share them with your elderly loved ones’ in home health care services provider, to ensure your parents can stay safe and healthy while they get the benefits of taking their dog for a walk:

  • Wear appropriate clothing. Even if you are just taking the dog around the block, you are still walking, so make sure that you are wearing the right clothing. This includes good quality socks and supportive shoes that will protect the feet and ankles while walking and reduce the chances of injury. Also ensure you are wearing clothing that is comfortable in terms of the temperature, but that does not hinder your ability to move your arms or legs while walking


  • Control the dog. Even a small to medium sized dog can be overwhelming when excited and may pull or trip your parents. Make sure that the dog is properly under control before trying to put a leash on him, and consider a lead or a harness for a dog that is strong or prone to pulling


  • Use reflectors. Early morning and the evening are popular times to take dogs for a walk, especially during the times of year when the weather is warmer, but when the light is dim it can be difficult for oncoming cars to see you. If you are walking along a street, make sure that each person as well as the dog have reflectors on their clothing, the leash or harness, and even your shoes. Consider bringing along a flashlight and investing in a light-up leash that will make you even more visible


  • Be aware. The buddy system is best when it comes to walking a dog because of all of the distractions that can occur. A person who is trying to control a dog while also cleaning up after it may not pay close enough attention to oncoming traffic and put himself and the dog at risk of serious injury. Encourage your parents to take walks with you or their home care provider and avoid going out on their own unless they have a very well behaved dog and are able to walk in a controlled environment such as a long sidewalks in a neighborhood or in a park.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Skokie, IL, contact the caring staff at Companion Services of America today at (847) 943-3786.

Our home care service area includes Northbrook, Highland Park, Deerfield, Glenview, Buffalo Grove, Evanston, Des Plaines, Skokie, Lake Forest, Wilmette and the surrounding areas.

Jamie Shapiro
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