Halloween Safety Month

Halloween is a fun time for children and adults to dress up and have fun trick or treating. By observing a couple of common-sense rules, you and your family can have fun and also stay safe!

  • Kids should never go trick or treating without an adult present. Insist that your teenagers go with a group of friends, never alone. Use the buddy system at all times! Walking in numbers makes each child more visible and also provides security.
  • Don’t let your children eat their candy until they get home and you have inspected what is in their bags. Let them keep the wrapped treats only. If they know the person giving the treats that’s a different story.
  • Make sure your children know not to accept any invitation to go inside a home. Teach your kids to say no and stay at the doorstep to receive their treat.
  • Make sure to stay on sidewalks as much as possible! If they are out at night give them a flashlight to make them visible to others and vehicles. Parents should set curfews for their children to return home. Most suburbs have designated times for trick or treating.
  • Make sure costumes are safe and visual approved. Make-up should be non-toxic or hypo allergenic.


Have a fun and safe Halloween!!!!

Jamie Shapiro
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