Breast Cancer Awareness by Lisa

My grandma, who is one of the closest people in the world to me, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Our entire family is very fortunate that she is one of the success stories. She is a breast cancer survivor and has been living cancer free. Her illness prompted me to do as much research as…

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The Search For A Cure For Alzheimer's

CBS news recently televised a report on a possible cure for Alzheimer’s disease. The report is about a study that begins in Colombia, South America, in a village called “Medellin”. There they found extended families that suffer from hereditary early onset Alzheimer’s. There are only a handful of families in the world that carry this…

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Alzheimer’s Disease Is Not The Only Form of Dementia by Marci

Dementia is the general term for a number of conditions marked by impaired brain functioning. Most people think that all dementia is Alzheimer’s Disease and don’t realize that there are many different forms of dementia. Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common type of dementia but it is not the only one. Here is some information…

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Living with Parkinson's Disease by Lisa

I grew up watching Family Ties and Michael J. Fox was always my favorite actor. IN 1991, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Sadly, there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease. However, there are tools that can help making living with this disease a little easier. And, the Michael J. Fox foundation for Parkinson’s Research…

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The Golden Years-When Aging is Not So Golden by Marci

As a Geriatric Social Worker I have heard many of my patients throughout the years ask why our older years are called “The Golden Years”. As many of us observe our elderly friends and relatives we see that there are many challenges and stressful situations that are presented in our later years. Many go through…

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Stroke Recovery by Lisa

Having a stroke or having to endure through watching a loved one have a stroke is very scary. You are never too young to be knowledgeable about the symptoms of strokes, what you can do to prevent them, and tips on recovering from a stroke. I know this firsthand because I have two friends that…

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Helpful Definitions of Medical Terms by Marci

It can be very overwhelming seeking professional medical services for yourself or a loved one. Below is a list of commonly used words and phrases to assist you in understanding terminology for care. ADLs- Activities of Daily Living This includes basic activities of daily life including bathing, dressing, eating, moving around, toileting, and walking. A…

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Spring Cleaning-Assisting the Elderly with Decluttering Their Home by Marci

It is officially Spring! While Chicago and much of the rest of the country have been buried under snow for many months it has made it difficult for many to prepare for the new season. However, Spring represents many other positive aspects besides nice weather. Spring is the season of rebirth, change, and new beginnings.…

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Tips for caring for your loved one's that suffer from Alzheimer's

When caring for your loved one that suffer’s from Alzheimer’s disease, everyday brings new challanges. As the disease progresses, there are several simple tips for ensuring for the safety and care of our loved ones who suffer from this debilitating disease. Safety Safety Safety Make sure that the home is secured Change all inside door…

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Keep Alzheimer's away by Lisa It’s never too early to do things that can prevent this disease. These steps are easy. You only have 1 body so it’s important to take care of it. I, for one, am definitely going to continue watching what I eat and exercising. And, playing Candy Crush! It stimulates the mind, after all.

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